Install SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 2016 Without Internet Access: One of my frustrations with SQL Server 2016, is that the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is no longer included with the database instance installation. It is now has its … Continue Reading →
MongoVUE Message – Invalid credentials for database
Being new to the MongoDB database, only in my second week of training, I wanted to test the MongoVUE gui tool to see if it would help make my administration … Continue Reading →
Upgrade SQL Server 2012 Standard to Enterprise
This blog is about upgrading SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition to the Enterprise Edition. This issue has been written about a couple of times, but one more blog about this … Continue Reading →
SQLPlus Newline Character
Not exactly one character will produce a new line in Oracle’s SQLPlus. By piping the ASCII CHR(13) then piping the ASCII CHR(10) in that order ( || CHR(13) || CHR(10) … Continue Reading →
sp_readerrorlog vs xp_readerrorlog
Question: What is the difference between sp_readerrorlog and xp_readerrorlog? Executive Summary Answer: ALMOST NOTHING The More Detailed Answer: under the covers sp_readerrorlog is a stored procedure in the master database … Continue Reading →
Finding the First DLL File in the Path
Today the question came up how do we find which DLL file that a program is calling. This is an older server that has had a couple of upgrades & … Continue Reading →
Using a batch file to change the hostname in a stand-alone instance of SQL Server
Recently I was asked for a DOS batch script, that a tech person could run, to give a stand-alone instance of SQL Server the new hostname of its server. This … Continue Reading →
Business Objects 6.5 – Connection or SQL sentence error: (DA0005) with SQL Server
This is an issue with an older version of Business Objects, version 6.5. In 2007, SAP purchased Business Object, and the current version is now called “SAP Business Objects XI … Continue Reading →
How FTP Multiple Files from the Command Line
Many times I am challenged to move many similar files from one server to another. Either I have to remote-desktop on to the server (Windows), or have a session on … Continue Reading →
Server ‘SERVERNAME1’ is not configured for RPC for a Linked Server
Once in while I am asked to troubleshoot a SQL Server database where my only connection is though a linked server. Because this database server is on protected network, I … Continue Reading →
TDP for Oracle error – SBT error = 7011, errno = 106, sbtopen: system error
Today, for the first time, I configured TDP (Tivoli Data Protect) for Oracle on Linux . I had already have done this many times before on AIX. The Linux version requires … Continue Reading →